
Progressive Waves

Progressive waves are waves which transfer energy. There are two main types of progressive waves: longitudinal and transverse. The main differences between these two types of waves is longitudinal vibrate in the same direction as the wave direction, however transverse waves vibrate at 90 degrees to the wave direction

Sound waves are an example of longitudinal waves. Sound is also a mechanical wave, it requires a medium in order to travel. Light is an example of a transverse wave, it is an example of electromagnetic radiation and therefore it does not require a medium in order to travel.


Features of waves

The number of vibrations per second in Hertz

The time for one vibration in seconds

The distance moved by a particle from its disturbance position

Wave speed
Speed at which energy is transferred

Wave equilibrium
No particle displacement

The maximum displacement of a point from equilibrium

Point where the particles in a longitudinal wave are at maximum separation

Point where the particles in a longitudinal wave are at minimum separation

Shortest distance between two vibrations in phase