
Timeline of Key Points During the Cold War

THAW 1969 -1979

1969 - 1979: Détente. This was seen as a period of eased tensions. There were visits between leaders for example ands the Chinese government was recognised and allowed to join the UN. Why?
USA--The cost of the war had contributed to high inflation in US, Mutually Assured Destruction known as MAD was recognised which meant that if war occurred both powers would destroy each other, Nixon also wanted to be re-elected by a larger majority.
USSR--Again they recognised the costs of the war. They sought to increase wealth through greater trade with US. They also didn’t want to be enemies with the US and China.
China--They feared isolation from other nations
(What forms did détente take? Reduction in the number of nuclear weapons, better trade, cultural lings e.g. sport and co-operation in space exploration.



1972: SALT I -- signed (result of détente) this sought to limit the number of weapons.

1973: Peace with honour -- Cease fire in Vietnam between North Vietnam and United States.

1974: President Nixon resigns due to the Watergate scandal. This limited SALT talks, he was replaced by Jimmy Cater.

Nixon resigns as President following the Watergate scandal

1975: Helsinki Conference - Here issues were raised over human rights in the USSR. In it 35 countries signed a treaty recognising the boarders that had been existed after WWII and required nations to respect the human rights of its citizens. But in the USSR human rights were still not being actively applied by 1977, this was a disappointment for some.

1977-79: SALT II -- This attempted to further limit the number of nuclear weapons, signed in 1979.