German - Clothes Vocabulary

Die Hose


Das Hemd Shirt
Der Mantel Coat
Die Krawatte Tie
Der Hut Hat
Passt mir nicht Doesn’t fit
Die Mode Fashion
Tragen To wear
Zu eng Too tight
Die Jacke Jacket
Altmodisch Old fashioned
Der Rock Skirt
Handschuhe Gloves
Die Kleidung Clothing


Multiple Choice Questions


To test your knowledge try answering these simple multiple choice questions. Just select the answer you think is correct and click 'Check Answer'. If the answer is correct you will proceed to the next question, if it is incorrect you are given one more go at trying to select the correct answer before it is revealed.


Extended Questions


These slightly more challenging questions require you to type in the answer corresponding to the image displayed. There are however, multiple answers to some of the questions to try and prevent any ambiguity over the images e.g. if the image is of a young boy the words 'boy', 'man' and 'child' may all be accepted. You have two attempts to enter the correct answer before it is revealed.



Sample Speaking Test Questions/Responses

Ich suche (einen lange Mantel)
I need a long coat

Ich mochte (einen Pullover)
I’d like (a pullover)

Kann ich diesen (Hemd) anproberien?
Can I try on this shirt?

Er ist mir zu gross
It is too big

Dieser hier ist kleiner
This one is smaller

Wo ist die (Herrenarbeilung)?
Where is the men’s department?

Ich habe diese … gekauft
I bought this …

Das ist nicht in Ordnung
That's not right

Ich mochte mit dem Direktor sprechen
I want to speak to the manager