German - Tourism Vocabulary

Der Gang Corridor

Der Stadtbummel

Wander around town

Die Fahrt Trip
Das Verkehrsamt Tourist Office
Die Anmeldung Reception
Besetzt Occupied
Inbegriffen Included
Der Fahrstuhl Lift
Das Gasthaus Guest house
Der Schlüssel Key
Die Unterkunft Accommodation
Das Zelt Tent
Der Prospekt Leaflet
Die Reise Journey
Der Ausflug Excursion
Der Wohnwagen Caravan
Die Jungendherberge Youth Hostel


Multiple Choice Questions


To test your knowledge try answering these simple multiple choice questions. Just select the answer you think is correct and click 'Check Answer'. If the answer is correct you will proceed to the next question, if it is incorrect you are given one more go at trying to select the correct answer before it is revealed.


Sample Speaking Test Questions/Responses

Ich bin um sieben Uhr ins Kino gehen
I went to the cinema at 7 o’clock

Haben sie ein Zimmer frie fur eine Person?
Have you got a room free for one person?

Wir mochten zwei nacht bleiben
We’d like to stay for two nights

Wir mochten aufs Land fahren
We would like to go to the countryside

Da kann man mountainbike fahren
There you can go mountain biking